Nissan Nativ acting studio in tel aviv .
TV Shows:
2010 “other life” , Efraim Herut .
2011 “The dreamers” . Tom Frailich .( kids channel)
2011 ” 2.3 in a week” . John John .
2011 “Srugim” . “Ariel” .
2012 “Galis” . (Kids channel )
2013 “Euforia” . “Elkana Eldar. directed by Dafna Levin
2014 “Betulut” (=”mermaids”) . roi motola . directed by Adam Senderson
2016 “Betulut 2” pre- production
2017 Kipat Barzel Keshet 12
2020 Kitbutznikim HOT
2020 Normal HOT
2012 Rock the Casbah
2012 Six Acts
2015 Emek
Zohar Yacobson – Representation and Production Ltd.
134 Ben Yehuda Street, Tel Aviv
Phone: +972-3-5220483
Fax: +972-3-5273310